Hom - React.JS for Haskell!

Reddit discussion Github repo I've recently discovered Om which I think is a beautiful example of why FP matters in modern day computing. Basically what Om showed was that by using immutable data for state in React.js one could easily outperform similar apps written in OOP style. The reason…

Fun with the halting problem.

Lets start by proving the following result. Result 1 There is no program bool isDeadCode(Code j, Code c) that can check whether a program j contains dead code c. What we mean by dead code is the following: ... helloWorld(); if (true) { Console.WriteLine("Hey there") } return; Console.WriteLine("I…

Every boy loves a girl

Every boy loves a girl can actually mean two things: Every boy has a girl that he loves There is a girl which every boy loves We can use predicate logic to remove disambiguity: B is the unary predicate letter that determines wether one is a boy. G is the…

Proofs about infinite series

Today we will discuss a proof about infinite series. Result to prove The infinite series $$\sum^{\infty}_{k=1}\dfrac{1}{k\left(k+1\right)}$$ converges to 1. First, we consider the sequence $\left\lbrace s_{n } \right\rbrace$ of partial sums for this series. Since $\sum^{\infty}_{k…

A Journey in learning haskell

Introduction Hey there. In these ongoing blog series I will document my journey is progessively building a LISP interpreter as a case study for a 'larger' haskell program. I'm a beginner haskell programmer who is looking to learn a bit more. Follow along as you'll (hopefully) see me evolve into…

Internet: een bron van kennis

Ik heb mijn passie, mijn hobby en mijn toekomstige studie te danken aan het internet. Geert-Jan Bogaerts vraagt in zijn artikel "Het internet maakt ons slimmer dan ooit" of het internet ons dom maakt. Ik zeg nee! Op een dag, toen ik een computerspel aan het spelen was, vroeg ik…